As much as diets the last few decades have demonized fats or carbs, we still eat too much of them in general and not enough protein. In my findings, this is especially an issue for women. Many times they’re barely scraping by on the minimal amount necessary, but nowhere near what they need to gain and maintain some decent muscle mass.
First let’s look at why protein is important and what protein does for us…
Why is protein important?
It helps replace old skin cells and keep our skin, hair, and nails healthy (i.e. collagen, keratin).
It produces antibodies to fight infection.
It assists our bodies in water balance, pH balance, absorption and transport of nutrients, and muscle contractions.
It is responsible for building and repairing muscle cells after damaging them during exercise (for building and maintaining muscle). Protein can be used for energy if carbs and fats are depleted. However, in order to maintain muscle mass, you’ll want to avoid catabolism (the breaking down of muscle tissue that results from inadequate protein intake) by utilizing carbs and fats as energy sources which will spare the protein.
So how much protein do we need?
My answer: That depends. How much lean muscle mass you have and your activity level are key indicators for how much protein you should consume each day.
In general, the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein in adults is .8g/kg or .4g/lb of body weight- generally 10-35% of total daily calories.
The RDA for pregnant women is a bit higher at 1.1g/kg body weight, or in other words, about 25g extra per day. However, studies indicate the need for protein during pregnancy can be significantly higher than current recommendations.
The optimal protein intake for older individuals (50+) is also higher than the average adult RDA, as muscle mass and function is gradually lost with age.
Side note: If you need to convert your body weight from pounds to kilograms, simply take your body weight in pounds and divide it by 2.2.
Now, like I said, it still depends. Here are current recommendations as it relates to lifestyle and activity levels:
Sedentary (desk job, little to no exercise)
At least .4g/lb body weight (the average RDA we discussed)
Endurance Athlete (more aerobic activity- lower weight/higher reps):
At least .5-.6g/lb body weight
Strength Athlete (more strength activity- higher weight/lower reps)
At least .5-.8g/lb body weight
The leaner someone is, the more protein they need to maintain that muscle and physique. That being said, actual body composition (lean mass) matters here, not just body weight. A multitude of other factors play in as well, such as age, gender, timing of intake, exercise variables, energy intake and carb availability, and even protein quality.
So, what are some quality dietary sources of protein?
Meat/Fish (i.e. lean beef, poultry, seafood)
Dairy (i.e. milk, Greek yogurt, cheeses)
Nuts/Seeds (i.e. almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds)
Grains (i.e. oats, quinoa, Ezekiel bread)
Vegetables (i.e. broccoli, Brussels sprouts)
Whey protein supplements
What about those who don’t eat meat/seafood?
Here are some protein sources that are equivalent to an ounce of meat/poultry/fish:
¼ cup cooked beans
¼ cup tofu
1 oz cooked tempeh
1 egg
1 tbsp nut butter
½ oz nuts/seeds
¼ cup roasted soybeans
2 tbsp hummus
What are some tips for implementing adequate daily protein intake?
Since it takes significantly more water and overall effort by our bodies to metabolize proteins than it does fats and carbs, make sure to drink plenty of water.
For optimal absorption and digestion, aim to include protein for every meal and snack to space it out throughout the day. A good starting goal is at least 15g of protein per meal (not including snacks), although I would say to aim for more like 20-25g per meal, especially if you don’t eat many snacks between meals. Protein also has a high satiety level, which means it will keep you feeling full longer. What does a protein portion look like on your plate? A typical serving of meat or fish is 3 oz, about the size of your palm. Men, aim for two of those on your plate.
For snacks, grab things like Greek yogurt, hummus, nut butters, Ostrim sticks, boiled eggs, etc. These are easy for on-the-go and often come individually packaged (even boiled eggs now!). However, mind the serving sizes and portions with nut butters and nuts/seeds, and choose unsalted varieties.
As it relates to protein selection:
Vary protein choices and choose seafood (especially those with plenty healthy fats) over meat/poultry a couple times a week.
Choose lean meats and poultry, and opt for grilling, baking, roasting, etc. rather than frying and breading that adds extra unnecessary calories.
Avoid processed and/or canned meats such as processed deli meats, sausage, hot dogs, and canned soups as these are often loaded with extra sodium.
As it relates to exercise:
Including pre-and post-workout protein gets amino acids into the bloodstream for energy fuel (pre-workout) and muscle growth (post-workout). Liquids make for faster absorption (hence BCAA mixes, protein shakes, protein water, etc.)
I heard high protein diets cause kidney damage.
No evidence has proven this in healthy individuals with no pre-existing kidney diseases. In fact, studies show that additional protein is beneficial for muscle mass and strength, immunity, blood pressure, wound healing, and bone health.
Also, as we age, our bodies become less efficient at digesting, absorbing, and utilizing protein, therefore, those over 50 years of age can especially benefit from additional protein intake (more like 1.5g/kg body weight).
However, in obese individuals who are already at risk for renal dysfunction, following a low-carb/high protein diet will likely be associated with greater adverse renal affects than a low-fat weight loss diet.
Can you still get enough protein if you’re vegetarian or vegan?
Although animal products supply complete proteins (and typically higher quantities of protein), incomplete plant proteins can be paired with other complimentary plant proteins to form these complete proteins (for example, grains with legumes, or legumes with nuts/seeds), and do not necessarily have to be paired within the same meal as presumed in the past, just consumed the same day.
Therefore, combining these alternative protein sources is very important for these dietary lifestyles. Soybeans and soy products are the only plant sources that offer complete protein as do meat sources.
Plenty of vegetarian or vegan athletes do just fine with careful dietary planning, however, some stricter vegan or fruitarian diets do need nutrient supplementation. So if you’re looking to maintain or gain muscle minus the animal products, no worries! It just takes a little extra conscious effort and planning.
I will also add that if you are dieting and subsequently cutting carbs and/or fats (your main energy sources), then getting enough protein is paramount. If you can’t maintain muscle mass, you’re cheating yourself out of the additional overall more efficient calorie burn they provide! Don’t be counterproductive when dieting. *face palm*
Your trainer & coach,